Antioch Baptist Church
"Annual Church Picnic and Community Connection" (July 15, 2006)
The community social event was to begin at 1:00PM and last until 5:00. I was running behind my own set schedule as I planned to arrive at the park at noon to catch the early attendees and a chance to take pictures of the setup from beginning to end. In addition, I thought I might lend a helping hand where needed.
With two lenses in tow, my corpulent feet did not touch the grounds until 1:05PM where I met a scattered group setting up tables and chairs and more tables, chairs, tents and booths. In this assemblage, was an exhibit of different cultures - some I had known since I was just a small child, others I had seen only a few times, but there were many more that I did not know and additionally, did not have an inkling I ever would have the opportunity to meet but would later realize the benefits of this connection.
Antioch Baptist Church held a picnic slash community connection celebration. While this is their 46th annual picnic celebration, it was their first community connection with church members inviting friends of friends and the entire neighborhood with an opportunity to network. They did not have music, yet you could hear a symphony of hearty sounds of children laughing and a jovial circle of people socializing while playing a game of cards. Additionally, a vigorous unbroken sound of a basketball or two, hitting the pavement. Yes, it was an event that I was glad to have attended as it was nice to see men and women both actively and willingly share in the duties of serving delicious meals prepared by some of the best cooks this side of Denver Colorado.

To my left was a five-foot table where two women sat dressed in garments that immediately caught my eye and I was certain I wanted to know why they selected their attire. They were friendly and very open to correct me when I presumed they were palm readers, but explained that they were "Palms readers." I wished I had carried a pen and paper to jot down a few things, but knew I would be visiting their corner [very soon.] It is almost odd that I can remember a year or even years ago, but my short-term memory often escapes me, yet with all of the events taking place, I was certain that the women cloaked in purple and black would remain in the front of my peduncle.

After visiting a small gathering of friends both old and new, I wandered to my right where a small group of men and women had setup an insurance information booth for United America Insurance Company. While snapping a few pictures, I stopped to pick up a pamphlet. I was not in need of additional health insurance, but after talking with one of the representatives, I immediately found that their Company might be able to assist me, my spouse and possibly my mother in law.

Ginger was very informative while explaining their services and their ability to provide a plan to cover not only my illness, but my family members as well. She took time to educate me on the differences in Medicare and Medicaid, as I am one who pretends to have knowledge about such services, but am admittedly clueless. When she informed me of an affordable plan for preexisting conditions, I willingly yielded my telephone number.

After a few snap-shots of several memorable events, I took time to engage in small talk with a dear family friend who I had just talked to days earlier, yet our reunion was most notable. We chatted as though we had not seen each other in years as this gathering brought such an allure of peace and harmony.

While the heat was often unnoticeable, I couldn’t resist from talking to the U.S. Army National Guard recruiter who I thought would surely detonate under her heavy-doubled army fatigues. Ms. Whitehead was not a woman that I thought would be in the Army. I mean, if you see her, you could easily declare she favored a movie star; and before bullying her about recruiting me, I revealed to her whom I felt she resembled. Aside from the sunglasses she so proudly wore with her clunky army garb, she could easily pass for a beautiful Julie Roberts [with braces.]
Ms. Whitehead-Roberts refused to accept my endorsement once she learned I had both a physical and mental illness. Humph, I suppose it makes perfect sense that neither the Village Idiot or gun-totting Cheney were not members of any branch of the United States military.
"I don’t think they will accept you," she said with a smile that didn’t appear to be affected by the sweltering heat.She was comfortably ignoring the enemy a tactic they must teach in the military. Nope, I won't make it.
"But I have a lot to offer," I said begging to see a recruitment form.
"No, they don’t accept people under such conditions."
"What is the age limit?"
"Well, I’m just a bit younger than that so I believe you should accept my application and if not, I will take back my gorgeous Julie Roberts compliment."
"Welllll," she said, but still refusing to show concern of the scorching sun.
"Welllll, then I hope you get a sunburn and instead of looking like Julie Roberts, you now favor the demon in the movie ‘Raw Head Rex.’"
"Sorry, but I don’t think that’s gonna fly."
I became a little irritable with the heat baring down on me as the oils in my hair seeped onto the back of my now greasy soiled blouse.
"Look, I have respect and much admiration for all 4 and 5 branches of the U.S. military, but the way I see it, is that my government owes me. They lied to me," I said.
She just smiled and allowed me to continue rambling while comparing the heat to the hot air spilling from my mouth.
"Look," I said while continuing my own self-torment. "They lied to me about the invasion, Abernathy, WMD’s and so much more, why do I have to tell the truth about this?"
"Hmmm," was her reply.
Uh huh, I knew I had her when a pretense of colossal of sweat danced on her covered forehead and then dripped down both sides of her cheeks. I almost felt sorry for her.
I continued, "Okay, I won’t stoop to their level, but I will sink low enough and play their game by not revealing the truth about my health. So you see, you can stop trying to hide, but I’m not going away until you enlist me. ... what I will do, is volunteer my service to the U.S. military, but certainly will not volunteer anything concerning my health."

Finally she offered a T-shirt bearing the symbol of Aurora Mental Health and calmly replied, "This should help you skip the essential demands with immediate help from your local government."
I continued my journey, discovering people who felt victimized when I approached with cameras in tow. One stated they didn’t want to be caught eating and others who didn’t want their picture taken at all. As taught by a very respectable photographer, I did not take their pictures but strolled around for others to taunt. When I had a target in mind, someone interrupted and said I must go over to the fence and take a picture of a man working. I didn’t think it was such a big deal as I noticed many diligent workers - working in such harmony. However, this "worker" was not your usual run-of-the-mill all time volunteer worker.
I walked near the fence where a long large table held an overabundance of cuisine’s and I thought this is enough food to feed a great multitude. My greedy eyes glared at the food as if it were beckoning me. It was hard to resist although I did and instead, just flashed a very admirable and content smile while greeting the amiable women as I passed.
There in the corner stood an oversized barbecue pit with two men feverishly cooking. Yes, he was there, on the end, opening a package of hamburgers. His head was down as he attempted to make an opening; he wasn’t aware that I was preparing to snap his picture. However, his comrade noticed me but I motioned him to be quiet while pointing to the "worker." When my presence was known, the frustrated-package-of-food-opener, let out a repressed laugh and continued his package combat.

While I had every intention in paying a visit to the Mary Kay booth, I ran into a lady by mere accident. Her name is Yvette with a last name that I can hardly pronounce correctly let alone spell. Nonetheless, I found something most striking in her than anyone else in the organized accumulated mass. She was a busy woman seeking change and the words she spoke allowed me to see her impressive refinement both inside and out. Yvette, only a few years my elder is on a quest to help change society and by doing so, was setting her primary target on our youth. We talked about how it was in the day’s back then - when we were both just little girls respecting not only our parents and elders, but our keen awareness of our community as well. She said we are responsible to get back on track and before she departed, I felt eager to leave her my card in hopes that we could combine resources and remain steadfast on a future that we both were sure to change for the betterment of all.
With both a still lens and a digital camera strapped around my over heated-hardly-complaining-about-the-heat body, one of the cameras decided to leave overdrive but kicked into, I’m not working right now mode. But thank God, the stalemate didn’t last and before long, was back in action again.
After a few more shots, I took a recess and rested my weary load on the ground where I found myself seated in front of the "Palms Readers." I was asked my first name and then my favorite Palms. 23 and/or 92 are my favorites, either or, the "Reader" on the right swiftly spun the pages of her Bible and began to read. As she read, she took time to graciously submit her own interpretation of each verse and completed her reading with a prayer.
Now mind you, I’m not against prayer, but have much discernment as to who prays with and for me. Nonetheless, I was eagerly determined to learn what these women were about and why they felt to be masters of interpreting the chapters in the book of Palms - reading while dressed in their gypsy-like garb; I was observant and most entertained by the comments that followed.
Left reader [with the shaky hands:] I sense you love your grandmother.
Testee: I never knew either of the strong women, as they were both deceased before my earthly arrival.
Right reader [with gum on the right of her mouth:] Perhaps you miss them.
Testee: I’ve never had a Lexus or Mercedes or any other expensive vehicle, but is it possible for me to miss having them too?
I thought, perhaps they should start calling me, "Bymanitials," ‘cause they certainly were not listening when I said I didn’t know either of them.
Right reader: Perhaps you would like one.
Testee: Just call my by my initials as it is obvious you are not listening but eager to perform your own mental masturbation.
And then finally, right reader: I sense you are afraid, but I want you to know God does not want you to have fear.
Testee: I fear God, but who doesn’t.
The woman on the right mentioned fear again, and I was certain she hit the jackpot! Immediately, I begin to fear for my life! Yikes, I began to wonder when the earth would finally open and just swallow me whole and/or allow me to escape to… lets say Iraq or North Korea and if that wasn’t about to happen soon, just an easy escape to Arizona with an express route to Mexico.
I was blessed and without fear to finally approach the Mary Kay display where I found relief when I picked up a pamphlet regarding mental depression. (Fear, get behind me, Fear, get behind me!) Before making note of the Mary Kay reception, I took liberty to read a brochure regarding youth activities and was again in awe of the many establishments who were concerned about our youth. I then wondered if Yvette had any connection to these organizations.I was surprised yet pleased to see my brother-thru-the-law make an appearance to represent the Denver Firefighter Recruitment Division. While I only spent a few minutes in his presence, I was glad he took the opportunity to talk to a few young men.
Although the heat continued, I remained calm and was certainly thankful that this year’s church picnic was not rained out like the year prior. (A time I will never forget.)
From time to time, a few people gathered to master a few fast and short games of dominoes. While watching, I reminisced about me being a master of the game as a youngster, but now with aged-time, I had grown weary and forgetful. (Is this a sign of Alzheimer’s?) The game ended quickly but not before a few players exchanged seats.
As the day grew on, a group of people came and went and all the while, I enjoyed watching the children play accordingly and many groups networking in a peaceful surrounding.

While I normally refuse to expose my impatient body and indurate scalp to 100 degree plus weather, it was well worth a day of fun in the sun. One could not help but to uncover the outcome of each realm; partaking in each eventful moment - allowing a chance not only to gather around friends both old and new, but a chance to learn and be enlighten. And if you didn't take something away from this event, then something is definitly wrong...

Although I encountered minor equipment problems and a mishap with a freeloader, I enjoyed the gathering Antioch Baptist Church put in place. With Pastor Hall, Rhonda Morgan and many other helpful eager and tireless church members hard at work, this Annual Church Picnic/Community Connection was a great-unified success.
Community Attendees:
- Antioch Baptist Church
2500 Lafayette Street
Denver CO 80205
303.830.0260 - Colorado Army National Guard
Recruiting and Retention NCO
5275 Franklin Street
Denver, CO 80216
720.464.8273 - United America Insurance Company
9350 W. Cross Drive, #101
Littleton, CO 80123
303.933.4063 - Denver Firefighter Recruitment
Civil Service Commission
1570 Grove Street (Federal & 16th Ave.)
Denver, CO - Youth Link - 720.865.8000
- Neighborhood Ministries
- Palms Readers
- Mary Kay
- Avon
©Keeba Smith
Hankered Writer and Feared Compressor
K Smith is an author, columnist and social issues commentator.
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