LEGEND ...Dad's Day
A legend too quick.
A legend too late.
A legend stands now;
A legend stands before the Masters gate.
A legend in my heart.
A legend who had a bumpy start
A legend who could not depart His ways, but...
A legend who was my tart-tiest
My legend from the beginning
My legend for my evening.
Our legend through thick and thin;
A sweet legend.
A legend of old
The only legend I knew
A legend for my life,
So I thought
Until his departure.
His head in his hand,
As he often would
Make plans for life;
Were a Black man stood.
Strict, mean loving and caring,
Vague, bleak, giving and sharing.
My legend is described as human
From the beginning to the end.
Good-bye my sweet love,
I shall see you again soon.
Once again, our sweet love,
When THE feet cross the moon.
(1999) © Keeba Smith From the book of anthology, "Keeba Kornered and Kaptured in
Kaptivity" © No. 18 © Keeba Smith
Author's Comments on "Legend":
"This was written especially for my dad. It describes him to the tee. Although he was a stern, harsh man, he was well loved and is still truly missed. Riding in the car and instead of breaking down with pain of his departure, I elaborated on the goodness of his life and what he stood for. I never bragged about anything in my life, but I will do so now and say that he was my "Legend." I learned so much. I’m thankful I’m able to decipher the good from the bad and decorate on what he tried so hard to instill in me. (Thanks Lisa for your comments.)" ****** ***********

©Keeba Smith
Hankered Writer and Feared Compressor
K Smith is a columnist for Black Denver Speaks, an author, and social issues commentator
Nice and meaningful here. Liked it. Bookmarked.
Thanks for the comment…
I’m pleased that you took the time to see his purpose and my reason for writing. Also, I’m glad you book-marked me.
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