Declaration of Independence July 4th

Happy Fourth of July
As America celebrates its Declaration of Independence, I am only praying that the day ends and begins quickly and quietly. Now, I know many are disappointed that more and more Colorado Counties are restricting fireworks but our State is once again facing a very dry season in more ways then one.
For one, we must keep in mind that many fires are burning across the State and there is little officials can do to keep homeowner’s safe and protect them from having their properties burned. A firecracker can easily ignite a fire and cause millions of dollars in damages. And while the cost is continuously rising, this certainly does not help but to spread the cost to all.
We should also consider that the unemployment is low and many of us have either lost jobs and/or are doing everything we can to maintain the current ones.
Many of us work more then one job, as it certainly is not easy trying to make ends meet in this current economy. Therefore, we need to go to bed early just to get up early to continue our employment status. If the loud bangs and booms of the firecracker celebration continue through all hours of the night and early morning, it is harder for us employees and employers to receive the required rest. We have to make a living and we can only plead with you that you show respect for the respectable working class.
On the other hand, there are many of us have children and because it is summer break, we greatly desire to share in this iconic celebration with our children. The joys on our children’s faces when they view the multi-colors flying freely in the air, is memorable and leaves us all in awe of such beauty. The sparklers and odd noises are fun while sharing with family and friends.
However, imagine that there are ways to view even more attractive fireworks then anyone could ever have in their own backyards. By clicking here, you can find a list of Firework Displays from Arvada to Winter Park. Consider that there will be a plethora of fireworks on display in these areas not to mention the entertainment and safety.
I pray that everyone enjoys their Fourth of July Celebration. In addition, I pray that it is safe and celebrated in the manner in which it was designed to be celebrated.
Declaration of Independence
Nothing to Declare
The Declaration of Independence is the document in which the thirteen colonies in North America declared themselves independent of the Kingdom of Great Britain and explained their justifications for doing so. The Continental Congress ratified it on July 4, 1776. This anniversary is celebrated as Independence Day all around the United States of America. The handwritten copy signed by the delegates to the Congress is on display in the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
©Keeba Smith - Hankered Writer and Feared Compressor
K Smith is an author, columnist and social issues commentator
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